News ID: 481
Publish Date : 25 September 2017 - 13:14

7 useful things to always keep in the car

Travelling by car is all fun and games until you get lost, stuck in an awful traffic jam or breakdown in the middle of nowhere.
Khodrocar - It is usually in these incidents that you regret not being better prepared, as you find yourself trying to change a tyre with a whatever you can find rolling around in the back of your boot.

Some warm blankets, a spare battery and even a physical map always come in handy when you find yourself in a tricky situation.

1. A physical map

Remember when you were a kid and the A to Z map of the great British Isles was the pride and joy of the car? It was whipped out during every single journey, and it ensured that no matter where you ended up you could always find your way home.

Well since the rise of maps on phones and in-car sat nav systems we have turned our backs on the trusted physical map.

But it does come in handy to have one in the car just in case you find yourself lost in an area with no reception.

2. Phone charger

It’s easy to get carried away playing DJ with an aux cable in your car during a long journey and then feeling sheepish when you have drained all of your battery.

Keep a spare phone charger in your car, and always plug it in whenever you set out.

3. High visibility jacket

Yes it may feel a tad bit over dramatic, but if you ever break down on a country lane in the middle of the night it’s a great way for the breakdown service to spot you.

Plus it’s super warm.

4. First Aid kit and De-icer kit

A basic First Aid kit can come in handy in case of an accident you experience, or witness.

It could actually be life saving, so have one stashed away in the boot or glove compartment.

Winter is coming, which means icy car windows which take forever to defrost.

Instead of sitting impatiently in the car with the heating on full blast, get some de-icer spray and a scraper. A much quicker and efficient option.

5. Emergency snacks

Avoid making unnecessary pit stops at service stations, or wasting time at a drive-thru by keeping a well stocked selection of snacks in the car.

Cereal bars, biscuits, fruit, crisps and even some sandwiches are a welcome saviour when hunger strikes, or if you are stuck in a long traffic jam.

6. Spare battery

A car battery is one of those mysterious entities that will take great pleasure in draining itself when you are rushing to get somewhere really important, like a job interview or a wedding.

Get smart and keep a spare one nearby.

7. Blankets and cushions

You’re often amazed at how warm and snug the car is when the heating gets going, but imagine if it suddenly stopped working? And you are left cold and shivering away?

Keep a few blankets nearby as a back up, and they also work great if you find yourself stranded roadside without a high visibility jacket.

Why bother sitting uncomfortably for hours in one spot? Instead get yourself a little cushion stack for ultimate comfort.

You will feel like you’re sitting at home on the sofa, rather than uncomfortable shifting around in your car.
